
Welcome to Jelsa Haven, a safe port to all Jack Frost and Elsa shippers.

It's just a Discord server created for Jelsa shippers but we somehow managed to create a really cool and huge community out of it. If you want an in-depth explanation, check out the longer About page!


Q: How can I join Jelsa Haven?
A: Visit our Tumblr and ask us for an invite (lawful good), try to find a working link by searching through Google (chaotic neutral), or find the server invite hidden throughout this entire website (neutral evil). Good luck!

Q: Why do I have to ask/find it?
A: The server is supposed to be a safe haven for Jelsa shippers so we really need to keep it that way. While everyone is welcome, we want to keep the server away from rude people and unnecessary drama. The Jelsa fandom is weird, you know. We might change it when Discord finally introduces a better verification system though!

Q: Why do you use Discord?
A: There's several other platforms that have Jelsa content and Discord is just one of them! For us, Discord makes it easier to talk to other people in the fandom and share our creations.


Jelsa Haven started out as a Discord community server designed to cater to Jelsa shippers in 2020. Y'know, because we're still totally alive!


So you know how Discord changed its entire tagline to "Imagine a place" or something like that? Yep, that's exactly the reason why we created the server (though that does not justify Discord's branding decision, you hear me?).

Anyway, we imagined a place where we could talk about Jelsa again in 2020. It kind of felt like 2014 again, except with less chaos maybe? The fandom is still pretty weird nowadays but Jelsa Haven aims to create a safe haven from the mess. But of course we still want to keep things fun for everyone!


We do lots of stuff in the server and then post them for everyone to see!

We host projects! Everyone creates their own Jelsa creations every month or so--then we compile it!

We play a lot of games! Our current favorite is Among Us (I swear it's not my fault. Maybe. Shh.).

We like keeping the fandom alive. That's why we talk daily in the server; we're cool.

I want to join!

As stated in the FAQ, visit our Tumblr and ask us for an invite, try to find a working link by searching through Google, or find the server invite hidden throughout this entire website!

Wait, who are you?

This is Jelsa Haven, we compile Jelsa stuff with Discord!

Or if you really want to be specific, uh, this is Dyn typing. I own the server and manage stuff. My username is @snowdynia, so if you have any concerns and Jelsa Haven isn't responding, feel free to contact me!